Roof Auckland Limited
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February 19, 2021

Warmer weather is finally gracing Auckland’s inhabitants, and the sunlight is a welcome sight for every roofing company in Auckland. Why? Because sun and warmth both make it much easier for us to care for Auckland’s roofs. We see a surge of roof repainting jobs around this time of year, and for very good reasons.

Repainting your roof as summer approaches has many benefits, the biggest being you save on time, money, and hassle in the long run. As you’ll see as you read this blog post, repainting your roof is about a lot more than making your home look new again (although that is important). Read on to discover five benefits of repainting your home’s roof this year.

Keeps Your Home Cool in Summer 

Many homeowners don’t know what a big role their roof’s paint colour plays in their home’s temperature regulation. Your roof has a lot of potential for heat transmission, and with summer well on its way, now’s the time to think about keeping everyone feeling nice and cool indoors. 

If your home’s roof is currently painted a dark colour, you will be contending with a lot more heat in your home this summer. Dark colours absorb infrared radiation, and with the sun beating down on your rooftop, all that heat will trickle down into your living spaces, making everything feel stuffy. Luckily, this can be remedied by repainting your roof in a lighter colour.

Light colours reflect infrared radiation, pushing heat away from your home and keeping the inhabitants cool. So, whether your home is topped with COLORSTEEL roofing or shingles, repainting will help make your summer a lot more comfortable.

Increases Energy Efficiency 

Speaking of heat, you may have noticed that your energy bill spikes over warm periods. If you’re constantly running your air conditioner, then the number on your electric bill will start to increase quickly.

Save some of that money for your holiday trip by getting your roof repainted. Not only will it reduce the amount you pay this summer, but it will also do the same for every summer after that! That’s a lot of cash left in your coffers.

Increases Curb Appeal 

If you are one of the many Aucklanders currently selling their homes, then there is one thing that will be at the top of your mind: curb appeal. Drawing potential buyers in starts with making your home look brand-new, and there are few things that accomplish that goal more effectively than a roof repaint.

Old and rundown roofs can make a home look ancient and unappealing. However, a fresh coat of paint will have everything looking new! While the initial investment might feel daunting as you’re selling your home, the returns you get in the long run will undoubtedly be worth it.

Identifies Repairs Early 

In a similar vein, getting your roof repainted will help you identify any problems before they turn into major issues. Whether you’re selling your house or simply trying to keep on top of home maintenance, this early identification of roof problems is invaluable.

If you leave a small problem—such as a leak or rusting flashing—alone for too long, it will get much worse than if you had handled it at the outset. By repainting your roof, you find these problems early, thus saving yourself a lot of time, money, and stress.

Extends Your Roof’s Lifespan 

Aside from identifying needed repairs early, giving your roof a fresh coat of paint will help it effectively protect your home for many years to come. This is especially true if you choose the right coat of paint.

For example, if you live in a coastal area, your roof is already being weathered faster than a roof on an inland home. By consulting a company like Roof Auckland, you can choose the right paint to combat saltwater erosion, helping your home’s roof survive longer in a coastal environment.

Even if your home is in a mild area, there are other things your roof will need to endure. Lichen, algae, moss, mould, and even pests are all things that can shorten your roof’s life. Luckily, they can all be repelled with the help of the right paint.

Reach out for comprehensive and professional roof solutions 

Here at Roof Auckland, we offer high-quality roofing solutions at affordable rates, ensuring homeowners can keep their homes looking and feeling brand-new. Our team are experts at roof repairs and replacing sheets, flashings, and more, and we’re more than happy to recommend expert roof painter or contractor thanks to our years of experience in the industry.

Reach out for free advice or a fixed price quotation from our expert team, and revamp your roof for summer today!

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